DEₑSU Anonymouse

Cables Communication Documentation


Deployment instructions are given in project’s GitHub Wiki.

Correct usage patterns

Direct user-to-user cables communication is the flagship message exchange feature of Liberté Linux. Security and authenticity of the messages is independent of the security of the underlying network layer (i.e., Tor), but that layer’s obfuscation aspects are nevertheless useful for hiding the existence of message exchange. In order to take advantage of cables communication, launch a mail user agent — your email-like address will be already configured in. Put similar addresses in To:, Cc:, and/or Bcc: fields when sending messages. Sending the message queues it for delivery. Whenever actual delivery is accomplished to one of the recepients, you will receive a corresponding delivery receipt (or, after several days, a timeout notice). Encryption and verification of messages and message receipts is handled transparently.

When using cables communication, avoid compromising the address book. Such compromise exposes the user to denial-of-service attacks (since knowing the username makes the cable service on the host accessible), and, in case of frequent power-ons, to the risk of exposing the physical location with traffic analysis (by pinging the hidden service).

Due to the latter risk, it is preferable to have the computer connected to the network for as long periods of time as possible. This provides the additional benefit of less communication failures and of being associated with the same entry guards that were picked during Tor startup.

If it is not possible to have the computer constantly connected to the same network, make sure to power it off when not connected to a hotspot (so that the network card’s new MAC address cannot be associated with a previous one). Connecting to hotspots from different physical locations using commodity hardware also helps in resisting fingerprinting for the purpose of traffic analysis.

Note that it may take up to a few hours for Tor and I2P networks to recognize a Tor hidden service / I2P eepSite (the endpoint of cables communication protocol) on a new IP address.